Intuitive Eating Counseling

Intuitive eating is a whole new way of thinking about food, weight, and quite frankly, life in general.
It’s a method thousands of people are now using to heal from the side effects of chronic dieting.
People who diet often become very rigid in their eating. They think of food in terms of “good or bad”and often binge eat after eating a food that they perceive to be bad.
An intuitive eater is defined as a person who “makes food choices without experiencing guilt or an ethical dilemma, honors hunger, respects fullness and enjoys the pleasure of eating.” Few of us are immune from guilt and judgment regarding our food choices because of the many sources of “food police” in our culture.
Chronic dieters don’t trust themselves around food and believe that their appetite must be controlled at all times. Chronic dieters often spend an enormous amount of time thinking about their weight and what they’ve eaten or will eat. They have lost touch with feelings of hunger and fullness and feel intense shame or guilt if they stray from their current diet. In essence, they are held prisoner by the culture of dieting and thinness

As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I enjoy helping people make the shift from chronic dieter to intuitive eater. It is a journey that takes time and a willingness to look inside at one’s thoughts and feelings about food, body, and weight. It’s a process of learning to honor one’s health and desire for delicious food.
Although Intuitive Eating is not a weight loss program, some studies have found that “intuitive eaters” have a decrease in weight and triglycerides, and an increase in wellbeing, good cholesterol, and self-esteem.
We will work together for three months, virtually or in-person, using the Intuitive Eating Workbook, by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, that you can purchase from Amazon or other places where books are sold.
We will meet via Zoom and review each chapter of the workbook together. You will have the option of recording your hunger and fullness before and after each meal or snack into an online journal, which helps you to re-connect with your body’s internal cues for hunger and satiety.​
Investment: $399/month (4 one hour sessions)
​Email for more information or schedule a Discovery Call with me to learn more about intuitive eating can change your life.